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GLB Clean Mineral

GLB Micro DS


​What very few understand about all nutrient lines...


Every nutrient line makes its micronutrients low enough so it will not cause toxicity in the weakest strains of plants. The fertilizer companies also don't mention that the plants can handle more than what is in their products either. It sounds obvious, but most growers just want to follow directions as they're still learning. The advertising claims for the companies say their line is all you need, and that is not the reality most of the time. The more that a plant can uptake, the higher the quality, and 1-4 part lines are just not broken down enough. There has to be a give and take on separate nutrients to make everything in a product work. All soil and soilless mediums can handle more, but this is where patience comes into play on testing the limits of a strain. So many growers want to always test new strains rather than perfect old ones, so it's hard to know how far you can take something.​


So what does this mean? As micronutrients are cofactors in enzymes that create a majority of secondary metabolites, the more that a strain can handle, the higher the quality of secondary metabolites. Every grower should have a bottle of a separate full range of micronutrients. Not just a few nutrients like all these "terpene enhancing" products on the market, which include a little extra zinc, manganese, and boron for a few weeks, but should also have copper, sulfur, and iron for the entire grow. We would be surprised if the "terpene products" didn't have at least some sulfur but neglected to say it on the label.


There are many micronutrient-only products on the market, but sulfur is technically not a micronutrient. GLB treats it as the fourth major nutrient, NPKS. The problem is they can't make it as clean or as inexpensive as GLB Micro DS. Our 32 oz. bottle, which will do 9460 gallons daily, costs just $16.00, which equates to less than 1/5 of 1 cent at $0.0017 per gallon of water for an amendment dose. There is no other full micronutrient with sulfur that has only 0.01% salts, is this bioavailable and costs less than 1/5th of 1 cent, nor give anywhere near the same quality. It just doesn't exist and doesn't make sense for normal money-first companies to make a product this inexpensive. They won't have to though as the marketing strategy is to keep growers only using their line. If they can hook you, you never look anywhere else and pay the higher costs.


Some of the benefits...


  • Sharper more defined leaf structure

  • Healthier leaf structure

  • Most Available Micronutrients on the market

  • Raises the quality of Secondary Metabolites (Resin, Terpenes, Flavonoids, Trichomes, etc)

  • Most Economical Micronutrient on the market- less than $0.0017 per gallon daily

  • As an Amendment, it supports every other nutrient line to give proper micronutrients to raise the quality of plants and secondary metabolites

  • Does Not Add Excess Salts – 0.01% Salts or PPMs

  • Sulfur is also a microbial food source so additional sulfur is always needed to get more into the plant

  • Heavy Metals Removed

  • Can be applied incrementally at higher doses starting at 0.05 mL above the recommended application rate per gallon of water to test the quality limits of each strain without toxicity. 

leaf side by side.jpg

GLB Micro DS is a diluted version of our concentrate. As an amendment, our concentrate is 1 mL to 200 gallons and the Micro DS is 1 mL per 10 gallons, but there is no difference in price as it is priced accordingly. Our GLB Micro was separated from the other amendments as it is so concentrated, and growers need to have more control over their nutrients. Micronutrients have a direct impact on secondary metabolites. As stated above, they are cofactors in enzymes that create secondary metabolites. They are the plants' way to reduce disease and pest pressure, which are the very things growers are looking for which include flavonoids, terpenes, and trichomes among a host of other benefits. 


As an amendment, GLB Micro DS would be used at 0.1 mL per gallon on a hydro or daily feed or 0.2 mL per gallon on an Every Other Day Feed. 


0.70 mL per gallon 1 Week Test


Growers can order a 2 oz. bottle and see results in 1 week on their plants! The top of the leaves will become more defined, and healthier. If used over time you can see, as the picture on the left below shows, where there is an additional structure almost like a spine coming off the center of the leaf. 


Amendment per gallon Day 20 Veg through Flower and can be used in Flush

Hydro or Daily Feed Rate 0.1 mL 

Every Other Day Feed Rate 0.2 mL


**Higher Doses- Each environment, other nutrients, and soil medium play a factor in general, we have seen coco and hydro users get up to 0.15-0.2 mL as an amendment on a daily basis but we are cautious to note that we do not really push over 0.3 mL on an every other day basis as too much at any one time can cause toxicity. The recommended 0.1 mL per gallon Daily or 0.2 mL per gallon Every Other Day are safe limits. We are not saying that a specific strain in a specific environment can handle more than the recommended dose and it is at the grower's own risk to test the limits of their specific grow and strain, but more experienced GLB users have found higher numbers on specific heavy feeding strains on a case by case basis. Growers commonly use too much as 0.1 mL per gallon is such a small amount so please pay attention when measuring.**


Full Dose - Soil Only- Use in Soil only as should not be needed if using a powdered or liquid nutrient. GLB has a full line for soil but it keeps for in-house growing and testing. 


Super Soil Growers

Initially, Super Soil does not need much of an amendment, and too much early on can cause toxicity so we only give it an amendment dose during veg. As micronutrients in the soil-only pots start to decrease, growers can use Micro DS at higher ratios but if feeding other micronutrient products can stay with the above amendment doses.


Veg Day 20

0.1 mL or max 0.2 mL Every Other Day per gallon


Day 1

0.2 mL per gallon Every Other Day 

Day 28

0.2-25 mL per gallon Every Other Day unless seeing deficiencies up to 0.5 ml

Day 35

0.2-0.5mL Every Other Day


If 0.5 mL Every Other Day is not enough a full dose would be 0.75-0.80 mL, if no micronutrients are left in the pot, but highly unlikely unless "pushing soil". 

Leaf back .jpg
back leaf trich .jpg
micro leaf .jpg

Available Nutrients in Micro DS 


The following is the minimum guaranteed amount in our product, but it does not translate to other companies' numbers due to the fact we pull 99.99% of the salts out of Micro DS, including any nitrates. The amendment dose is only 0.1mL Daily or 0.2 mL Every Other Day as we make the cleanest nutrients in this industry. In late flower you see other companies adding some various micronutrients but we have found all other lines lacking in the proper available nutrient values. 


*These percentages will not correspond to any other company's products as they are more available so a smaller dose is needed.

Boron - 0.01% 

Sulfur - 0.1% 

Zinc - 0.1% 

Copper - 0.005%  

Iron - 0.025%


*Molybdenum is in the bottle but due to showing less than minimum reporting values, we cannot

state the amount. As our base materials have had salts removed our numbers will not equate to salt-based products as our micronutrients have a higher bioavailability.


We have Growers tell us that when they received a GreasePack and didn't apply the micronutrient the first run, then applied it at the proper application rates their terpenes jumped up significantly. 


**If growers want higher overall secondary metabolites they should have a bottle of a full complement of bioavailable micronutrients including sulfur throughout the entire grow from day 20 veg on as all nutrient lines are short on micronutrients. The heavier the feeding plant the more a plant can handle with better results. Soil, because it has a reserve, can handle less until depleted, but coco and hydro setups can be ramped up higher with experience. If you plan to test higher amounts they can cause toxicity over the recommended doses depending on the strain. If you are going to test higher levels bump by 0.05 mL per gallon and give at least a week before trying to go higher. Only for experienced users. 


Check out GreasePack Amendments for more information.



Pics top down left to right @Hash_Hounds_Cultivation, @Hash_Hounds_Cultivation, @WeTheStash_

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