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Brix57 VS Molasses

Updated: Dec 10, 2022

Why do GLB Carbohydrates create more resin than any other sugar in the industry?

GLB Brix 57 is not made from sugarcane or sugar beets (molasses) but fructose and glucose from proprietary plant extracts. It's a proprietary extraction and refining process as well that allows for some of the cleanest, most available fructose and glucose for microbial uptake on the market. GLB's higher quality resin and trichomes compared to molasses-based carbohydrates can be seen in side-by-side tests. Brix57 is an integral part of our GreasePack amendments and will become an industry standard for higher secondary metabolites.

Let’s be clear, there is nothing wrong with using unsulfured blackstrap molasses for plants, but it is not designed or refined for microbial or plant life. Molasses-based products do not give you the highest quality resin. A point to note is it takes more than just carbohydrates to create the highest quality resin, terpenes, trichomes, and flavonoids, including proper uptake of not only the base micronutrients that are cofactors in enzymes creating secondary metabolites but many that are not so well known. However, molasses has its limitations. It is a byproduct of the sugar industry. The difference in quality between the rest of the industry and GLB carbohydrate products is not only visible to the eye, aromatic to the nose, or even taste but overall quality. Our products also have a lower cost per gallon of water due to our low application rates. 1 mL per gallon daily feed, or 2 mL per gallon every other day rates compared to 5-10+ mL of every other molasses product on the market. We have not just tested it versus molasses but also the $100 plus gallon-based carbohydrates that take 7+ mL per gallon. We will side by side 1 mL of ours versus 1 mL of theirs on a daily feed.

Growers' carbohydrate choices vary from the cheapest and readily available molasses to higher-end products that add a number of ingredients to create a higher level of resin. Some products give higher levels of quality, but they all have limitations. Molasses or molasses-based products have been the standard in this industry forever, but what most growers don't know is the difference. GLB carbohydrates are the next iteration of quality. They will be the new standard in the coming years. Through creating and testing sugars in relation to microorganisms there are some common themes. Microorganisms can and will consume some carbohydrates over others. Depending on the environment and stresses, microbes can become strategic as to what carbohydrates they will consume and in what order. This may come down to what sugars they have to break down first and what are for immediate uptake. Though it is not always a path of least resistance, we find that the cleaner the carbohydrates, the less work needed, and the faster the uptake, with less wasted energy.

GLB Brix57, which is all-natural and ½ organic does not have added chemicals, is non-GMO plant-based, and has been created specifically for microorganisms and plant life. A portion of the product must be heated as well to get the purity and the moment there is a change to the structure OMRI will not be considered "Organic". This product is not produced as byproducts of other business ventures. We create products with plants in mind. The more products that reduce the stress on the microorganisms in a symbiotic relationship with the plant, or the plant itself, the higher the level of secondary metabolites that can be created by the plant. Secondary metabolites are the cornerstone of all quality in any plant grown. They are not needed for growth, but for survival. They are the pest & disease defense of the plant and much more, which includes viral dormancy, resin, flavonoids, terpenes, trichomes, etc.

Most companies use some form of molasses in their carbohydrate-based products for plants. Most do not extract and refine the ingredient themselves, as mentioned, it is a byproduct of the sugar industry. Molasses, and specifically unsulfured blackstrap molasses, is what is left over when pulling out sugar crystals from the sugar extract. For those that are not sure what types of molasses to use for microorganisms, it must be unsulfured due to the products that use sulfur dioxide in their process will kill microbial activity.

Molasses has been the standard until now as it is found to be the most readily available microbial food source. There are other plant carbohydrates, and few have tried and succeeded to advance the actual base molasses ingredient for carbohydrates. Companies may add ingredients to it, but most have not extracted from other than sugarcane or sugar beets and then refined that process for a more efficient, cost-effective microbial food source until now. Molasses is so readily available as it is technically from a refinement process, but it is not made specifically for microorganisms and is still a crude form of sugar that microbes must first breakdown to consume.

Molasses has very small remaining crystals that cannot be seen with the eye but must be broken down by microbes before being consumed for energy. So, energy is wasted by microorganisms to first breakdown the sugar crystals to then be consumed which takes a higher energy load. This is in part why teas are made, Brix57 can be added directly into the nutrient solution and expand the microbes to extremely high levels without first having to brew anything. We understand and believe in teas, which are pulling more nutrients out of the compost and making them more readily available for the plants but that process is separate from adding carbohydrates near the time of application to expand what is already in the pot.

We will get more haters for this but when our organic chemist was looking at the structure and sustainability of the universe of carbohydrates and where they come from, molasses is more of an energy burst that is empty calories that spike with a much more dramatic die-off rate. In addition, the more that the teas or any nutrient solution have air pushed into the water, the faster they multiply but also die, which goes for all biology. Brix57 is a plant extract that is clean and available for immediate uptake and consumption. It has no crystals or formations in it with sustainability.

GLB carbohydrates don't need the same amount of energy or time for microbes to consume as molasses-based carbohydrates to be made available for microbial use. As it is more efficient, we do not need 5-10+ mL per gallon. Not all fructose and glucose are the same, just as GLB Fish is cleaner than any other fish product as it is cold homogenized and enzymatically broken down with no bones, guts, blood, or shit used just meat, or our lignite ore-based products show a noticeable difference versus our competitors. This difference is a core principle of our company, nutrient efficiency. We pull salts and heavy metals out, we don’t add tons of water to cheapen the product, and we try to make products that use up the least amount of microbial and plant cell energy so more can go to supporting secondary metabolites production.

But what about the minerals and vitamins in molasses?

There are three types of molasses, but unsulfured blackstrap being the most concentrated has the highest mineral and vitamin content. We are not saying that those additional aspects don’t have value and can’t help soil over the long term for organic matter, but your soils should not be needing the nutrient content of the molasses to excel, and we can prove that in a side-by-side replacing your 5-10+ mL of molasses for 1-2 mL of Brix57. If the additional nutrients made a difference, then the quality of molasses should be better at the end of the day. However, growers see denser flowers, more resin, and higher-quality secondary metabolites.

If a plant has the proper micronutrients, it makes its own vitamins. We don't add any additional nutrients in Brix57 as we separate all of our nutrients so there is more control for advanced growers. It's just a more efficient product for our whole line of growers, but that is not to say that properly available micronutrients don't have an impact as we add GLB Micro DS at 0.1 daily or 0.2 mL every other day as part of our GreasePacks. The micronutrients will ramp the terpenes and other secondary metabolites up long before the flower finishes.

We make amendments that can work in any current line. The purpose of these carbohydrates is to bring out the best in your microbes and plant cells (even in Hydro and using microbe killers), which in turn have more energy to spend on supporting secondary metabolites. Plants are alive and Brix57 is used within the plant not just for exterior biology that may be near the root zone. Many hydro growers think sugar and biology don't make a difference, especially if using some form of H2O2 to keep the water clean, sorry, but we have hydro growers daily that prove this wrong and create a higher quality hydro flower. Molasses-based products at higher application rates don't always do well in reservoirs, but we are a little different.

End Result, there is nothing wrong with molasses, but it does not have the same effect on the sugar leaves and end flower that Brix57 does. We have had side by sides showing the difference between trichomes on sugar leaves and trichomes coating node to node on a plant with the only difference being molasses vs Brix57.

The next evolution of our Brix57 will be BloomSap 0-9-11, which will include 1 mL of Brix57, and the equivalent of our Micro DS and Bloom Accelerant amendment dose with a little added fulvic acid which we use at 6% in our Enhance MC. This product will have no biology but a nice all-in-one to get introduced to our products.

Pictures from top down @WeedWarrior_1, @GreenDoorFarmGenetics, @CTPS_evo52, @Hash_Hounds_Cultivation, @Weedwarrior_1?, WeedWarrior_1

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